Save the Arts: poster PSA for Silicon Valley community college
DeAnza college is were I attended school to start my education in graphic design. It was a great experince, and I really love the school. Located in the midst of Silicon Valley, there was a lot of focus on tech. The studio art department was at risk of being shut down. Students and faculty worked together to make their desire heard: save the studios, because students need in-person studios to experiment, learn, and create.
I started this project with the idea of a broken heart. In-person studios are so neccisary for the growth of young artists. I decided to use graphics of people playing music, making pottery, dancing, painting, and acting. I created this poster in Adobe illustrator first - drawing vector images and using a blocky slab-serif font. I then worked with my fellow students and professor of design to print the poster with a 2-toned ink printer. I love the overly effect that one ink makes against another.